Alumni-Hosted Dinner with Charles Dewey Cole Jr. CC'74| Open to ALL Years
Program: Odyssey Mentoring ProgramStart: April 13, 2023, 7:00 PM
End: April 13, 2023, 9:00 PM
Location: V&T Restaurant
Host name: CCAA Alumni Hosted Dinner
Charles Dewey Cole, Jr. is a trial and appellate lawyer, instructor, lecturer and noted authority on the federal courts. He has been a lecturer or instructor in numerous programs relating to trial advocacy and has been an instructor at the National Institute for Trial Advocacy at Notre Dame Law School. He has served as Revision Author of Jack B. Weinstein, et al., New York Civil Practice, and has contributed to such works as Black's Law Dictionary (7th ed. 1999) and Edward D. Re, Cases and Materials on Remedies (1982 and 2d ed. 1987). Mr. Cole supervises the Federal Court practice for the firm.